Generative AI: Evolving Landscape, Evolving Mindset

Back in December, I wrote about Draftback, Capacity to manage change with Learning Technologies and the rebirth of Draftback, and its potential for addressing AI-influenced student writing. Since then, the generative AI landscape has exploded, and the conversations with my colleagues have shifted and deepened. We're moving beyond simple plagiarism checkers and "cool tools" towards a bigger question: how can we use and understand these technologies to foster critical thinking and enhance student learning?

A new mindset has emerged: technology should be our ally in tackling educational challenges and igniting student curiosity. It's about empowering kids to think, not just detect.

Draftback remains a valuable resource, but we now have an expanded toolbox to navigate the realm of generative AI:

  • Brisk Teaching: With its AI-detection model, Brisk helps identify possible AI-generated content, sparking important conversations about academic integrity.
  • Aidify: Uniquely developed by students, Aidify delves into originality and helps teachers guide students' writing process.

Remember, these tools are catalysts, not solutions. The focus must remain on process – helping students find their own voice, brainstorming, organizing ideas, and more.

I'm curious how others are navigating this complex landscape in their classroom. What other incredible tools are there for nurturing critical thinking?

Let's keep the conversation flowing! Through collaboration and sharing, we can truly harness technology for student success.
